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Tell us why do you love machine embroidery, and get this Christmas design set for free! (Expired)

SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

Welcome to the Sew Sweetly Forum!

This beautiful Christmas design bundle is a thank you gift from us to our sweet fans 🎁

This forum is a new milestone that we have achieved due to your support and love.

Thank you so much ❤️

Here's how to get the Christmas set-

  1. Create a new post and tell us why do you love machine embroidery and which embroidery style do you like the most? (Appliqué, filled, ITH, etc.)
  2. Post with a minimum of 100 words will be accepted.
  3. Please don't comment on this post.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.



  • JeanJean General Member Total Posts: 0

    I really love machine embroidery. I love the filled designs the most as I am not really good with applique. My daughter made masks for a wedding and for school teachers and I monogrammed school initials and bride/groom initials with date for over 100. She made the masks. I found some pretty letters to put on the masks.

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @Jean,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • PercillaPercilla General Member Total Posts: 1

    Have loved embroidery by hand since a child and now with a machine it is easier and can do more for gifting . Love doing applique, fill and ITH designs have not tried the FSL. For me embroidery is like crayons and coloring books for grown ups lol.

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @percilla,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • SamSam General Member Total Posts: 1

    I love machine embroidery as it is a way for me to express my creativity. I like that I can use a design to change the look of any item and I can also personalize items for my friends, family and myself. I really love machine embroidery!

  • KathyKathy General Member Total Posts: 0

    I love machine embroidery. Well I love doing appliqué, filled, lace, ITH. There is so much to great with machine embroidery. I made quilts, wall hanging, clothing...etc I will make a wall hanging quilt with these designs.

    Thank you

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @Sam and Kathy,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • DianneDianne General Member Total Posts: 0

    I ❤️ machine embroidery! I love making all the unique designs, using my own color choices. It is like painting with thread! My favs are ITH and FSL. What's not to like?? Love it all!

  • KARENKAREN General Member Total Posts: 0

    i love machine embroidery because it is something i can do mostly with one hand and creating new things is endless as long as you have a creative mind

  • SharonSharon General Member Total Posts: 1

    Christmas is Hope. And boy, do we need it ! I've masked myself ad nauseum, now opening the Christmas designs to lighten my spirits. Thank you for these lovely designs !

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @KAREN,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • JodieJodie General Member Total Posts: 0

    I love machine embroidery, and have done it for many years. I do all styles, but really like filled and bean stitch, but love a good satin stitch too!

  • BarbBarb General Member Total Posts: 0

    I enjoy embroidery because You watch what you are making come to life. My favorite is fsl.

  • PattyPatty General Member Total Posts: 0

    Machine embroidery allows me to go off into my own little room, in my own little world and create fun stuff for me but most of all for others. My grand children enjoy the neat stuff I can do for them. I love all the beautiful designs you create, but I really like your freebies, since I have a limited retirement money to buy, or I would buy all your designs. The one person I get the least done for is my hubby and he should be the first since he insisted I buy my first machine. Will have to work on that. It is so enjoyable to be able to make neat little gifts for neighbors and friends and be able to say, yes, I made it. Thanks for all you do for the group, and for me

  • PattyPatty General Member Total Posts: 0

    for got to add, love filled, and ith projects

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @Patty,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • PatriciaPatricia General Member Total Posts: 0

    i love to embroid to make gift for friends and friends of my grandchildren

    but in the most i like your desing the most i like everything fun but the most ith


  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @Patricia,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • NatalyaNatalya General Member Total Posts: 0

    I love to create, my head is always full with ideas. I sew my own garments, I like working with wood, I make cards, and more. Three yeas ago I got my first embroidery machine. Now I can decorate things which I love to create. I embroidered clothes which I made, I added embroidery to my card making. My last project was a Weekender bag for my granddaughter, which I decorated with applique designs, ITH flowers and FSL bugs and butterflies. I've never done bag before. I love my embroidery machine. Creation makes me happy. However, any day has only 24 hours. It is not enough, I need longer day.☺️

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @Natalya,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

  • TammyTammy General Member Total Posts: 1

    I do machine embroidery as a way to relax after a long day! I love seeing the way my designs turn out when I get them finished. Looking at a design on your computer or your machine is totally different that the finished design. I enjoy watching all the designs stitch out and would love to be able to create my own designs. My friends and family are so happy to receive them as gifts. I made some reading pillows for my grandchildren, along with others and they were so happy with them. I am still learning a lot and am so eager to learn everything I can.

  • EstellaEstella General Member Total Posts: 0

    I love to embroider gifts because it makes the gift so special. The smiles it brings is what makes me so happy to keep embroidering.

  • TeelaTeela General Member Total Posts: 1

    I love machine embroidery, because it has opened up a whole new world of creativity for me. Hobbies such as machine embroidery keep me sane in this crazy world we live in. It keeps my mind and hands busy. I look picking a design and then gathering and choosing the perfect color scheme and fabric for my project. You can create so many different projects with the designs. I love being able to create one of a kind gifts for my friends and family and the occasional customer. My favorite things to create are baby bibs, burp clothes and gowns, dish towels, quilts and in the hoop projects. It gives me so much satisfaction to see the things that I can create. Thankful to those who create designs to that I can have the fun of using them in my projects.

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,559

    Hello @Teela,

    Please create a new post to be eligible to get the Christmas bundle, you'll get access to the special freebie after submitting your first post. Feel free to contact us if you need any help, we would be glad to help you 🙂

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