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Free Christmas Bells And Sunflower Embroidery Design- Free For 72 Hours!

SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,561

Merry Christmas Sew Sweetly Fans πŸŽ‰πŸŽ

Here is your Christmas GIFT 🎁

Click the design image to view it.


  • RobertaRoberta General Member Total Posts: 1

    Thank you Merry Christmas

  • CherylCheryl General Member Total Posts: 0

    Merry Christmas and thank you for all the freebies besides other

  • BarbaraBarbara General Member Total Posts: 0

    Merry Christmas thank you πŸŽ„

  • JosefinaJosefina General Member Total Posts: 1

    Thanks,merry cristmas

  • RosaleeRosalee General Member Total Posts: 1

    This is listed on the free design page but doesn't show as free when I try to get it. I assume that must be because it's over 72 hours, but how are we to know which designs are still free and which ones aren't. I trued ti download several last night, but none were really free, and there was nothing to indicate if there was something else you had to do to make it free, but I wasted a lot of time picking out some designs and then having to delete them all when they weren't free. Thank you.

  • SewSew Administrator Total Posts: 1,561
    edited January 2021

    Hello @Rosalee,

    just check the post date to know if it’s still free, the freebies are available only for 72 hours which is also mentioned on the freebie post.

    Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions, we would be glad to help you :)

    Thank You!

  • RosaleeRosalee General Member Total Posts: 1

    Being new to forums, I didn't see a "post date" because I didn't know what I was looking for. After seeing your post mentioned a specific time (5:05PM) where the bell design said "December 2020," I put my cursor on "December 2020" and saw that it was posted on December 25, 2020, at 9:12AM. WAALAA! Now I know. This probably sounds like a small, stupid thing to y'all who do this all the time, but for me, I learned something new today. Thank you for explanation.

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